Our new term starts Thursday 16th January, and we’re looking forward to weaving our musical magic. If you’d like to join us as a new member, welcome! Drop us a line at cambridgetimelinechoir@gmail.com to arrange a taster session. And if you’re an existing member, welcome back!
Leith Hill and Cambridge Timeline Choirs are going strong and excited to welcome new members! See the Join us! page for more info.
Timeline Songs – Heritage Singing in the UK!
Timeline Songs is a community for inspiring, unusual, and welcoming leisure-time singing activities, bringing together ancient and modern music in heritage-themed, “locally-sourced” programmes. Our artistically ambitious and participatory projects breathe new life into old music and inject an invigorating shot of contemporary imagination into the annals of history, through the creation of new (and reimagining of old) works, woven together with affecting stories, poems, and historical research. Read more…
Timeline Choir in Action
Cambridge Timeline Choir sing Mad Tom of Bedlam by Sally Davies, November 2016